Building intellective capacity (malleable information processing power) is a primary path toward reducing the achievement gap for culturally and linguistically diverse students (Zaretta Hammond, 2015). POGIL (Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning) is an active learning pedagogy that provides rich opportunities for expanding students’ intellective capacity. Participants who identify with the struggle of achievement gaps among diverse student groups in STEM courses will observe this effective pedagogy first-hand. They will implement collaborative learning roles used in POGIL lessons and complete three short guided inquiry activities to experience a student’s perspective of POGIL. These shared experiences will provide the basis for subsequent discussion. Teams of participants will practice collaborative learning strategies and engage in the kind of sense-making tasks that increase intellective capacity. There will be an opportunity for participants to discuss their situation-specific concerns. Participants will leave with the knowledge and tools to begin implementing POGIL in their own courses.
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Questions? Mare Sullivan