• Events
  • PAC Collaborative Feedback Training

PAC Collaborative Feedback Training

  • 17 Feb 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
  • Zoom


Registration is closed

An invitation to this event was sent to individuals who have demonstrated an interest in activity writing through attendance at various POGIL events.  Those individuals received an email invite.  Please refer to that invitation for the registration code you will be required to enter.  If you would like to attend this training but did not receive an invitation, please contact Mary Van Opstal at mvanopst@harpercollege.edu.

For an overview of what the Collaborative Feedback Training involves, we highly recommend watching this 8 minute video before registering for the training:  https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/creZ3mVV0hv 

Event Description:

This 75-minute session is a training for those interested in reviewing and authoring activities submitted to the POGIL Activity Clearinghouse (PAC). Collaborative Feedback Training (CFT) provides you, the participant, with an opportunity to engage with the learning cycle and process skills rubrics used in building high quality POGIL activities. Before the session, participants are asked to complete a review of an example activity with the POGIL rubrics which they will use during the training session. It is expected that this should take about 30 min to an hour of time before the training session. During the session, discussion among participants will provide calibration of rubric scores, and common issues found in the example activities will be highlighted.

All communications about completing the review for this training will come from the PAC website (http://pac.chem.pitt.edu/index.php/pacand email (pogilpac@gmail.com).  The Zoom link, registration confirmation, and event reminder will come directly from The POGIL Project.

An optional follow-up session will be provided for participants who wish to receive feedback via the PAC on an activity they are writing.

This training is required for anyone who wishes to be either an author or a reviewer on the PAC.

Registration Deadline:  February 10, 2022

Registration Limit:  36 participants

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