POGIL Learning Communities are an initiative in The POGIL Project to broaden participation, deepen community, and create equitable pathways to leadership opportunities in The POGIL Project. The primary goal is to support a diverse set of new practitioners through their beginning years of implementation to improve retention of underrepresented instructors in The POGIL Project. For more information on Learning Communities, please see our website.
Learning Community participants meet in communities of 3-4 with an experienced facilitator about once a month and network with each other in 4 all-cohort meetings throughout the academic year. The last all-cohort meeting is designed as a networking event to foster discussion between Learning Community Participants and POGIL practitioners in the broader community.
You are invited to attend our last all-cohort meeting of this academic year on:
Thursday, April 25, 7 - 8:30PM ET (6 - 7:30PM CT/ 5 - 6:30PM MT/ 4 - 5:30PM PT)
The format of the meeting will be two breakout room sessions organized by discussion topics selected by the Learning Community Participants. Discussion topics from prior sessions have included team formation, cultivating a sense of belonging in the classroom, developing student buy-in, etc. We hope you will join us as we welcome the Learning Community Participants more fully into the POGIL community! Bring your best piece of advice for new practitioners!